the song remains the sam怎么样很多人对这个问题比较感兴趣,下面让我们一起来看摇滚乐队,希望可以帮助到你。

the song remains the sam怎么样


1、《昼夜摇滚》(ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK)1956年
2、《神秘列车》(MYSTERY TRAIN)1989年
3、《Jimi Hendrix——Experience Electric Ladyland》1970年
Jimi Hendrix的英年早逝,叫乐评人认定这是摇滚乐坛在十九世纪的最重要损失之一,他迷幻的吉他手法,将个人灵气与音乐结合得叫听者动容,能够将吉他弦变成如人类的舌头,会讲话,会令人开心,落泪。今之这张Electric Lady land的VCD,就制成一张Jimi Hendrix自传式的影像纪录,收入Hendrix演出的片段,在音乐制作时的认真态度,完全是冲破时空活现眼前。而且也访问了不少乐坛中人,例如 Steve Windwood,Eddie Kramer(他是ElectricLadyland大碟的录音师),亦有Hendrix的经理人Chas Chandler,亦即是Animals的bass手,从他们的说话中,皆对这位天才给予极高赞赏,更可看出他们是言出于心。VCD中,当然也少不了收入 Hendrix的live performance,在台上他就如著了魔的投入,这里面就有All Along The Watchtower,Gypsy Eyes,Crosstown Traffic,Voodoo Chill……看见他完全投入的演出,指法如飞在吉他弦线上勾划出灵魂,当今之世,已没有一位吉他手有此能耐;这张Electric Lady land肯定是Hendrix迷的珍藏品,甚至是他一个音乐图监;就算你是初接触这名字,也可从这VCD中对他了解更多。这就是一个音乐必修课,课题是:Jimi Hendrix。
4、《脂粉猫王》(Jaihouse Rock)1957
5、《别回头》(Dont Lookback)1967年
6、《紫醉金迷》(Velvet Goldmine)1998年
影片再现了英国华丽摇滚在20世纪70年代早期时的景象。艺名为Maxwell Demon的华丽摇滚明星Brian Slade预言了自己将死于舞台上,当他的遇刺骗局被揭露后,他的星途就走到了尽头。10年后,原来是Slade歌迷的英国记者Arthur Stuart要发表一篇名为《究竟发生了什么?》的文章。影片马上转为多线索模式,从多个角度展示了BrianSlade的生活和事业,包括他和妻子Mandy Slade及疯狂的美国歌手Curt Wild之间的双性恋经历。很有趣的是,英国出身的伊万·麦格雷戈在这部电影中竟然饰演一个美国本土摇滚歌手,他爆发力十足的演唱,启发了片中的英国华丽摇滚歌手,两人产生了一段同志情谊,而另一个主要演员,纽约时报记者年轻时对自身欲望的探索,也是经由他的改变。剧中伊万·麦格雷戈不仅跟每个主角都有一段缠绵,甚至不惜在舞台上演唱到一半时三点全露的火辣情节,我想这也是他跟一般偶像明星截然不同的地方,他不为表演所限,自然也不拘泥于形象。
8、《迷墙》(THE WALL)1982年
一部最出色的也是最著名的摇滚电影。1979年英国的传奇摇滚乐队Pink Floyd推出了摇滚乐史上最经典的作品之一——概念性双唱片专集《The Wall》,由乐队的灵魂人物Roger Waters根据自身经历创作的半自传性作品。这张唱片以“墙”的概念为基础,抒发了对战争的恐惧(Roger Waters的父亲死于二战),对人性麻木的控诉和社会阴暗面的描写,唱片推出后,不仅在摇滚乐界,而且引起整个西方文化界的巨大反响。两年后,英国著名导演阿仑·派克决意把它搬上银幕,他请来了英国乐队Boomtownrats的主唱Bob Geldof扮演影片主角Pink,运用大量的电影表现手法——蒙太奇和动画手段极好地传达了唱片的主题(当然也有导演自己的理解),不仅如此,影片的音响表现手法引起极大震动,全片没有一句对白,全部采用Pink Floyd在双唱片专集《The wall》中的歌曲(也有唱片中未出现的一些歌曲在影片中出现)作为推动影片情节发展的媒介,就像一部长篇music video。可以说这部影片的出现直接引发music video的热潮出现。另外影片的制作方法也引起后来电影人的纷纷仿效。不过如果你对西方战后青年的概况和唱片本身的内容不够了解的话,你大概不易看懂这部片子。值得一提的是阿仑·派克在十五年后,又拍摄了一部根据音乐剧改编的影片《Evita》(贝隆夫人,由麦当娜主演),全片仍然没有一句对白。
9、《席德与南希》(SID AND NANCY)1986年
虽然“性手枪”不是最出色的朋克乐队,但他们是最出名的朋克乐队,《希德与南茜》是关于这支传奇乐队的吉他手希德·维舍斯与其美国女友南茜·斯庞根那反复无常的情爱关系和罗密欧朱丽叶式的悲剧结局,导演对这两个社会食物链最底端的边缘人进行了客观的刻画:他们的粗暴和痛苦,他们的敏感和自伤,他们走向自我毁灭却似乎不可避免……每一格影像都展现了电影的愤怒、激动和真诚。经过那次危机四伏的美国巡演,“性手枪”终告解体,希德仍在viper毒瘾的控制之下,他试图开始个人发展,但人们在一个早上发现南茜被捅死倒在地板上,希德因为谋杀罪被捕,他们的悲剧正好印证了朋克乐队“玩闹大会”(Circle Jerks)的一首歌——“Love Kills”(爱会杀人)。科特尼·拉芙和科特·柯本的关系,经常被用来与南茜和希德的关系作比,而科特尼·拉芙恰好在这部电影里面扮演了一个小角色。加里·欧德曼和克洛·韦伯以令人折服的演技将希德与南茜关系中的那份不成熟、相互伤害及令人反感的一面清晰地凸现在观众眼前,而他们那决意摆脱任何束缚的爱情又是那么令人感伤,乃至啜泣。2000年的《肮脏与愤怒》(The Filth And The Fury)是一部关于“性手枪”乐队的杰出纪录片,真实、客观、满怀热情,而又颇具观赏性。
10、《美国风情画》(American Graffiti)1973年
《星球大战》系列的导演乔治·卢卡斯能拍出这样清新可人的小品,令人叹服。影片主演是哈里森·福特。故事以1962 年夏天美国一个小镇为背景,描写几个高中生毕业一夜的生活,反映了越战前夕过着优裕富足生活的美国青年人的思想、感情,其中引用了大量美国50年代的摇滚乐作为背景音乐,如:BillHaley(比尔·哈利)的《rockaroundtheclock》(昼夜摇滚)等等,应该说是恰如其分。这部影片是乔治 ·卢卡斯最有深度的作品——我就不懂为什么美国人对《星战》这样的适合于儿童观看的影片这么津津乐道——《美国风情画》比《星战》强多了。
11、《猜火车》(Train Spotting)1996年
影片的展开部分则完全是以瑞顿为首的一小撮颓废青年的生活实景:他们终日无所事事,东游西逛,打架酗酒泡妞吸毒;聚在铁道边打赌猜测下一列火车的经过时间以打发时日,还共同养着一个不知谁是父亲的婴儿。他们满足于这种糜烂的生活状态,即不想也认为不能改变现状,逃避一切规范和责任,并且全部是无go- vern-ment主义者和viper吸食者。在一次畅快淋漓的集体吸毒后小婴儿意外死亡,这强烈刺激了可能是父亲的每一个人;促使瑞顿在无数次失败后下定决心戒毒。就在他戒毒成功开始普通人生活时,暴力爱好者巴比带着瑞顿的旧日伙伴找上了他,要他一起参与一次巨额贩毒。最终瑞顿偷走了贩毒所得的钱消失在人群之中。
12、《大门》(THE DOORS)1991年
这是我个人十分喜爱的一部影片——当然和导演有关,我是奥列佛·斯通的忠实影迷,同时也是The Doors乐队及其主唱歌手Jim Morrison(吉姆·莫里森)的忠实乐迷。奥列佛·斯通和吉姆·莫里森是UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)电影学院的校友,吉姆·莫里森在世期间,斯通曾给吉姆读过自己写的剧本,在20世纪80年代初期,斯通就萌发了把吉姆和大门乐队的事迹搬上银幕的想法,这个愿望直到斯通完成了《生逢七月四日》后才得以实现,在他宣布要拍摄这部影片之后,很多男影星都争相要饰演男主角吉姆——因为这个角色实在是太有挑战性了,最后外形酷似吉姆·莫里森的方·基默幸运入选。斯通在拍摄这部影片时,采取的不同于一般人物传记片的手法,截取了吉姆一生的几个片段,并且并不完全拘泥于史实,甚至是一些超现实主义的手法(如那个反复出现的死于车祸的老印第安人)来表现吉姆和大门乐队的传奇经历,取得很好效果。斯通不愧于电影大师的称号,他对影片的气氛和节奏把握得恰到好处。方· 基默的演出也十分出色,为了演好这个极富争议的角色,他不但认真研究表演方法,而且刻苦钻研了吉姆和大门乐队的诗作和歌曲,认真体会角色的性格,甚至模仿吉姆的一举一动,应该说,他把这个人物刻画得淋漓尽致,不但是形似,而且是神似(即使没看过影片,只看过剧照的人相信也会同意我的说法)。方·基默为此付出的代价是在影片拍摄结束的很长一段时间内,不能从角色中解脱出来。这部影片和斯通的其他作品一样,放映后引起极大的争议,但其艺术价值毋容置疑。这部影片也向人们证明——方·基默和梅格·瑞恩(在影片中饰演吉姆的妻子帕米拉)不是只会扮演诸如《壮志凌云》中那样傻傻的角色。
15、《给我庇护》(Gimme Shelter)1970年
1969年Woodstock音乐节四个月之后,发生了一次名气远在前者之下、但就意义与成就来说不遑多让的枪杀事件。这部电影就是记录这次事件的。这支乐队可以说是20世纪60年代摇滚的终结者,当然它的表面现象是1969年12月。当时,在美国有大量乐迷的Rolling Stones乐队在美国加州奥德蒙举行一场免费演唱会,当天有40万观众来到现场,但悲剧发生了,被聘来维持秩序的飞车party在演唱会上演了暴力的场面,一名观众被追杀而死。这部又名《让我躲藏》的纪录片记下了“滚石”乐队最值得珍藏的瞬间,也记下了“地狱天使”的凶猛身影,本来是来维持秩序的他们最终却与部分观众大打出手,让20世纪60年代爱与和平的聚会的巨大神话在瞬间倒塌,正因为这些无比真实的镜头,这部电影在摇滚文献中的重要性非同一般。
Fight Club (搏击俱乐部 )1999
The Buddy Holly Story(巴迪.霍利的故事)1978
《北京杂种》(made in china)
《北京乐与路》(made in china)
《摇滚青年》(made in china)
Spinal Tap(摇滚万岁)
Almost Famous(几乎成名)
A Hard Day's Night(一夜狂欢)
Jailhouse Rock(监狱摇滚)
Hedwig and The Angry Inch(赫德韦格的愤怒乐队)
Purple Rain(紫雨)
《Jimi Hendrix--Rainbow Bridge》1970
《逍遥骑士》Easy Rider 1969
《肉大叔》Uncle meat 1968
《苦难日之夜》A HARD DAY’S NIGHT 1964
《摇滚先生》Mr rock and roll 1957
《我不在那儿》I'm Not There 2007
《最后的日子》Last Days 2005
《永不止步》Walk Hard 2007

急 小说别有洞天这本书的名字为什么是别有洞天

这本书的主题就是洞,不过是挖据宝藏的洞,之所以叫别有洞天是因为小说通过现在的故事将两段过去的故事巧妙的连接了起来,通过洞这个主题让三个故事结合在了一起. 如此STANDLEY,ZERO和Warden三个人的祖先与现实里三人的关系有了错综复杂的交汇,小说的构思很是精彩.建议你读下全文,以下是外国读者写的简介.
Present day
Stanley Yelnats IV is a teenage boy from a poor family that is affected by "a curse", which they blame on Stanley's great-great-grandfather, accused of stealing a pig. Stanley's latest misfortune is to be wrongly accused of stealing a pair of shoes (after one bad day in school) donated to a children's orphanage by the baseball player Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston.
As punishment, Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention and correctional facility which, despite its name, is in the middle of a barren desert. When he arrives at the desolate place, Mr. Sir, the supervisor, warns him not to cross Warden Walker. After an uneasy start, he is gradually accepted into the company of the inmates in Tent D. He also befriends a feral child called Zero, who is dismissed as stupid by the other inmates, and by Mr. Pendanski, another supervisor. Zero and Stanley run away and have to get to the top of the mountain to survive.
19th-century Latvia
Stanley's great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats, has a crush on Myra Menke, but a much older man named Igor Barkov is also trying to woo her. Igor is a pig farmer, and he offers his heaviest pig in exchange for Myra's hand in marriage.
Desperate to impress Myra and her father, Elya goes to his friend Madame Zeroni, a one-legged Egyptian gypsy, for help. She warns him that Myra is stupid and will not be a good wife, and advises him to move to America, as her son has. He persists, and she gives him a tiny piglet, telling him to carry the piglet up a mountain every day, and let it drink from a stream and sing to it. Elya had to sing, "If only, if only, the moon speaks no reply; Reflecting the sun and all that's gone by. Be strong my weary wolf, turn around boldly. Fly high, my baby bird, My angel, my only," but in Latvian. Each day the water will make it grow a little bigger, and Elya will grow a little stronger. On the last day, after he carries the pig one last time, he must carry Madame Zeroni herself up the mountain to do the same, as he will then be strong enough to carry her.
Elya follows her directions, and the piglet grows to a large size, but he does not carry the pig up on the final day. Elya nearly wins Myra as his bride, but his pig is revealed to be the same weight as Igor's, because the pig did not drink the water that day. Elya realizes Madame Zeroni was right about Myra's stupidity and walks away in disgust. Forgetting to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain, he moves to America to start a new life, falls in love, and marries, but he is beset by misfortune, presumably from Madame Zeroni's curse. Stanley's friend Zero is revealed to be Hector Zeroni, Madame Zeroni's great-great-great grandson.
Normally in the book, Stanley sings a song in his mind that his father used to sing to him:
"If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs, "The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies." While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, He cries to the moo—oo--oon, "If only, if only."
At the end of the book, Hector's mother sings the full version of the song. Here is the second verse of the song:
If only, if only, the moon speaks no reply; Reflecting the sun and all that's gone by. Be strong my weary wolf, turn around boldly. Fly high, my baby bird, My angel, my only.
This was the full version of the song that Madame Zeroni sang in Latvian
Green Lake
The town of Green Lake was a flourishing lakeside community in the old west. Katherine "Kate" Barlow, the local teacher, has a romantic interest in Sam, an African-American onion seller. There is an uproar in the town after they are seen kissing in public. A mob led by a wealthy resident Charles "Trout" Walker assembles and Kate realizes Sam is in danger of being lynched. She finds Sam and they try to escape onto the lake in his boat, but Walker and a group of vigilantes catch up with them in another boat. Sam is shot and killed, while Kate is rescued against her wishes. Sam's murder curses Green Lake: no rain falls on the area, and eventually the lake dries up and the town is abandoned.
For the next 20 years, Kate is "Kissin' Kate" Barlow, a feared Texan outlaw who leaves a prominent kiss-mark in lipstick on her dead victims. Kate robs Stanley's great-grandfather, Stanley Yelnats I, of his entire fortune, but rather than kill him, she abandons him in the desert that was Green Lake. Miraculously, he survives.
Years later, Kate returns to an old cabin on the former lakeside and is tracked down by Charles Walker and his wife, who are bankrupt and desperate for money. They try to force her to reveal where she buried her loot, but she is bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard and dies. As she dies, she taunts them by saying, "You, your children and your children's children will dig for 100 years and you will never find it," and to "start digging". The Walkers are left to dig the entire area in order to find the buried suitcase. The Warden is the granddaughter of the Walkers, and is using the campers to search for the treasure.
Camp Green Lake
The inmates at Camp Green Lake are forced to dig cylindrical holes five feet deep and five feet wide, which the warden says "builds their character." They are promised a day off if they find anything interesting. During one dig, Stanley finds one of Barlow's lipstick tubes, but he pawns it off to X-Ray, the ringleader of Tent D. The Warden is excited by the discovery and orders them to greatly enlarge X-Ray's hole (the wrong hole) for several weeks. Stanley suspects that the Warden is looking for something.
Meanwhile, Stanley and Zero, the smallest of Tent D who got his nickname because "he has nothing in his head",become friends. Stanley agrees to teach Zero how to read, and in return, Zero assists Stanley in digging his hole. The other boys get jealous after seeing Stanley getting help, eventually resulting in a fight. The Warden and the rest of the staff arrive and learn that Zero has been assisting Stanley with digging. The argument culminates in Zero hitting Mr. Pendanski with a shovel and running away. Zero runs away, and the camp staff decide to erase their records of him and let him die in the desert. A few days later, Stanley follows Zero and finds him living under the remains of Sam's boat, eating very old jars of Kate's spiced peaches, which he calls "Sploosh". Stanley notices a mountain resembling a human fist giving the thumbs up sign, and recalls that Stanley Yelnats I claimed to find "refuge on God’s thumb". On the mountain, Zero admits that he was the one who stole "Sweet Feet's" shoes.
Atop the mountain, Stanley discovers a field of onions that was once Sam's. The boys eat the onions and find water by digging in the ground, and Stanley sings Madame Zeroni's song to Zero, unknowingly breaking the curse. Stanley suggests that they return to the hole where Stanley found the lipstick to find the buried treasure. They find a suitcase buried in the hole, but they are captured by the Warden, and surrounded by a group of lethal yellow-spotted lizards. A stalemate develops: they cannot move, but the lizards prevent the Warden's staff from approaching them. The lizards do not bite Stanley and Zero because they are repelled by onions (as Sam once said). They remain in the hole until the next morning, when an attorney arrives demanding Stanley's release. The Warden tries to claim they stole the suitcase from her, but Zero reveals that the name 'Stanley Yelnats' is written on it, as the suitcase had belonged to Stanley's great-grandfather (Stanley Yelnats I), the one that had been robbed. After the camp staff are unable to produce Zero's file, he too is released.
Stanley's family open the case, discovering the jewels, deeds, stocks and promissory notes stolen from Stanley Yelnats I. Using the money raised from the bonds, Stanley's family buys a new house and Zero hires a team of investigators to find his missing mother; meanwhile, the drought at Green Lake is brought to an end by rainfall. The family's luck seems to change as if in response to Stanley's fulfillment of his ancestor's promise (a suggestion left purposely ambiguous by the narration). In a final scene, Clyde Livingston and his wife, along with the Yelnats and Zeroni families, celebrate the success of Stanley's father's antidote to foot odor, composed of preserved and fermented spiced peaches and onions and named "Sploosh" by Zero. The Warden is forced to sell Green Lake to "a national organization dedicated to the well-being of young girls", which turns it into a Girl Scout camp.