


rescue????锛??ユ??锛??存??锛??㈡????璇婚?筹?? [ˈreskjuː]锛?缇? [ˈreskjuː]??




The Rescue. ?锋??锛????达?琛?娲?澶╃?€??


rescue equipment. ????璁惧?锛?????璁惧?锛??㈤?╂???磋?澶?锛????磋?澶???

Garden Rescue. ?卞????よ??锛??????卞????ㄥ???????卞?????


1??We had given up hope of rescue. 


2??The story concerns the prince's efforts to rescue Pamina. 


3??The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay. 



rescue    ??ˈreskjuː]    缇?[ˈreskjuː]    

v.    ?ユ??; ?存??; ?㈡??;    

n.    ???? ?ユ??; ?㈡??; ?锋??; ?ユ??琛???    

[渚???Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building


[?朵?]    绗??浜虹О???帮?rescues 澶??帮?rescues ?板?ㄥ??璇?锛?rescuing杩??诲?锛?rescued 杩??诲??璇?锛?rescued    


succour    ??ˈsʌkə(r)]    缇?[ˈsʌkər]    

n.    ???? ???? 甯???    

v.    ???? ???? 甯???    

[?朵?]    绗??浜虹О???帮?succours 澶??帮?succours ?板?ㄥ??璇?锛?succouring杩??诲?锛?succoured 杩??诲??璇?锛?succoured

rescue???ㄦ???渚???/h1> ???ョ?棣?椤?/a>?ㄦ??span class="new-icon">璁よ??ㄦ??/a>瑙?棰?浣???甯?府??/a>璁よ??㈤????浼?浜?img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼?涓?濯?浣??垮??朵?缁?缁?????娉?寰????虹?棰??????惧害?ラ??> ????绫?/nav>rescue???ㄦ???渚???/span>




????rescue???ㄦ?2锛?be rescued???㈠???ュ舰瀹硅?琛ㄧず?存????缁?????


????1. Lights clipped onto life jackets improve the chances of rescue.


????2. The air rescue operation has now been scaled down.


????3. Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts.


????4. Rescue workers are digging through the rubble in search of other victims.


????5. Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles.


????6. Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.


????7. The 23-year-old's screams alerted a passerby who went to her rescue.


????8. Four rescue plans are vying to save the zoo.


????9. She had brought her trained sheepdog to help in the rescue.


????10. Governments do, however, have a vital catalytic role in orchestrating rescue operations.


????11. His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.


????12. Rescue crews have been digging people out of collapsed buildings.


????13. He determined to rescue his two countrymen.


????14. Mercifully, a friend came to the rescue.


????15. Rescue teams recovered more bodies from the rubble.


rescue??杩??诲????ㄦ?渚???/h1> ???ョ?棣?椤?/a>?ㄦ??span class="new-icon">璁よ??ㄦ??/a>瑙?棰?浣???甯?府??/a>璁よ??㈤????浼?浜?img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼?涓?濯?浣??垮??朵?缁?缁?????娉?寰????虹?棰??????惧害?ラ??> ????绫?/nav>rescue??杩??诲????ㄦ?渚???/span>



????杩??诲?: rescued

????杩??诲??璇?: rescued

?????板?ㄥ??璇?: rescuing



????rescue???ㄦ?2锛?be rescued???㈠???ュ舰瀹硅?琛ㄧず?存????缁?????


????1. He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.


????2. Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.


????3. Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.


????4. A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.


????5. Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank.


????6. The US Coast Guard says it rescued more than 100 Haitian refugees.


????7. The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen.


????8. That boy was rescued from a burning house.


????9. He rescued a child from drowning.

????浠???璧蜂?涓????芥按 ?跨? ??

????10. She rescued three children from a fire or something.


????11. I think they will last out till they are rescued.


????12. They dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning woman.


????13. They face certain death unless they can be rescued today.


????14. He plunged into the swift current and rescued one child after another.


????15. He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child.
