army是什么意思很多人对这个问题比较感兴趣,下面让我们一起来看army涔璇/h1> ョ棣椤/a>ㄦspan class="new-icon">璁よㄦ/a>瑙棰浣甯府/a>璁よ㈤浼浜img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼涓濯浣垮朵缁缁娉寰虹棰惧害ラ> 绫/nav>army涔璇/span>,希望可以帮助到你。


army??涔?璇?/h1> ???ョ?棣?椤?/a>?ㄦ??span class="new-icon">璁よ??ㄦ??/a>瑙?棰?浣???甯?府??/a>璁よ??㈤????浼?浜?img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼?涓?濯?浣??垮??朵?缁?缁?????娉?寰????虹?棰??????惧害?ラ??> ????绫?/nav>army??涔?璇?/span>

璇婚?筹???nbsp;['?ːmi] ??

army????浣???璇?,?烘????????????????(灏ゆ??????),涓?air force, navy?稿???寮??冲??????涓?澶х兢????

army?ㄤ?涓昏?????a href="璋?璇??ㄨ?" highlight="true">璋?璇??ㄨ???互?????板舰寮?(寮鸿??翠?),涔???互????板舰寮?(寮鸿?涓??)??

an army of????????澶х兢,澶ф?光??,澶??ュ??板??璇?,浣??惰?璇??ㄨ?涓???负???板舰寮???

甯镐互army and navy??navy and army锛???????娴峰??锛???褰㈠??虹?帮?涓ょ?琛ㄨ揪?瑰??ㄨ?卞?介?借?璁ゅ??锛?涓?杩???浜?浜烘?村????浜?绗??绉???


drill an army ??缁???????

enter the army ??????

field an army ???ㄩ?????ユ??????

go into the army ??????

join the army ????,?ヤ???

lead an army ??棰?涓????ㄩ????

leave the army ??浼???

mass an army ??缁???????

raise an army 寰???????,???点??

army ???涔?????


n.  ????; ????; ???; ??????;

??褰 澶??? armies


1. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.  


2. The army is still one of the last male bastions.  


3. The army claims the rebels are on the ropes.  


4. The pull-out of the army paves the way for independence.  


5. His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army.  


6. If no agreement was reached, the army would step in.  


7. In June 1942, the British 8th Army was in full retreat.  


8. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army.  


9. He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.  


10. The army now appears to have launched a counter-offensive.  


11. More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.  


army ???涔?????

1.His first client was the u.s. army, which tapped him to build an administrativeheadquarters at fort bragg.
2.Many army units have mutinied.
3.The other factor is the army.
4.People's liberation army soldiers drill in beijing.
5.Imagine the harvard alumni association with an army.

army??涔?璇?/h1> ???ョ?棣?椤?/a>?ㄦ??span class="new-icon">璁よ??ㄦ??/a>瑙?棰?浣???甯?府??/a>璁よ??㈤????浼?浜?img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼?涓?濯?浣??垮??朵?缁?缁?????娉?寰????虹?棰??????惧害?ラ??> ????绫?/nav>army??涔?璇?/span>




璇?婧?锛?14涓?绾?????杩??ヨ?辫?锛??存?ユ????ゆ?璇???arme锛?????婧???a href="涓?璇? highlight="true">??涓?璇?/a>??armata锛???涓哄伐?凤?姝﹀?ㄣ??


British Army?卞?介??????

army group?????㈠??缇ゃ??

New Army?板????

people's army浜烘?????

regular army姝h?????


army????浣???璇?锛??烘????????????????锛?灏ゆ??????锛?锛?涓?air force, navy?稿???寮??冲??????涓?澶х兢????

army?ㄤ?涓昏??讹???a href="璋?璇??ㄨ?" highlight="true">璋?璇??ㄨ???互?????板舰寮?锛?寮鸿??翠?锛?锛?涔???互????板舰寮?锛?寮鸿?涓??锛???

an army of????????澶х兢锛?澶ф?光??锛?澶??ュ??板??璇?锛?浣??惰?璇??ㄨ?涓???负???板舰寮???

甯镐互army and navy??navy and army锛???????娴峰??锛???褰㈠??虹?帮?涓ょ?琛ㄨ揪?瑰??ㄨ?卞?介?借?璁ゅ????