cock是什么意思很多人对这个问题比较感兴趣,下面让我们一起来看cock涔涓缈昏涔璇/h1> ョ棣椤/a>ㄦspan class="new-icon">璁よㄦ/a>瑙棰浣甯府/a>璁よ㈤浼浜img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼涓濯浣垮朵缁缁娉寰虹棰惧害ラ> 绫/nav>cock涔涓缈昏涔璇/span>,希望可以帮助到你。


cock???涔?????涓???缈昏???涔?璇?/h1> ???ョ?棣?椤?/a>?ㄦ??span class="new-icon">璁よ??ㄦ??/a>瑙?棰?浣???甯?府??/a>璁よ??㈤????浼?浜?img class="triangle_icon" src="" alt="">浼?涓?濯?浣??垮??朵?缁?缁?????娉?寰????虹?棰??????惧害?ラ??> ????绫?/nav>cock???涔?????涓???缈昏???涔?璇?/span>



1.The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.


2.Do you hear the cock crow,Tukey? 


3.The hen did this and the cock was cheerful again.


4."That would be a noble lodging for us," said the cock.


5.Again the princess was compelled to do servant's work until cock-crow. 


6."With all my heart," said the cock. So they all four went on jollily together.


7. When the first cock crowed, the manikin carried her back to the royal palace, and laid her in herbed.


8. lf l were not good, by which she meant if l did not behave with a single eye to her personalconvenience, the cock would come down the chimney. 


9.The cock crowed.


10.There's been a bit of a cock-up over the travel arrangements.



??浮锛?瀹剁?锛???绉?寰?澶?锛?缈??????涓??介?椋?锛??艰?芥?ユ??????浮????界???介? 锛????????变?瀹??h?卞????椤藉己??濂芥?????ф?笺????浮灏辨??浮澶达?璧峰?板甫棰?楦$兢???????浣??ㄣ????????浮?ф???舵??锛?浼?琚??诲?????ㄧ?╂??浜虹被??




??cock"????璇?????涓猴???浮锛???楦★???绂斤?????锛?瀹朵?锛?浼?璁°??渚??ュ?涓?锛?The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.  

"cock"???ㄨ?????涓猴?绔?璧凤?绔?璧凤?缈?璧?韬???ㄤ?)锛???????涓??虫?哄??澶?灏??汇??渚??ュ?涓?锛?She cocked her head to one side and looked at me.


cock an ear/eye at sth/sb   渚ц?冲?惧?????绁?缁?????

cock a snook at sb/sth锛?璇磋?????浜?锛????惧?拌〃绀鸿??瑙?锛?杞昏??锛?涓?灞?涓?椤?/p>


COCK缈昏???涓???????浮?????? n.??浮; ??????楦?; 棣?棰?锛?棰?瀵? 榫?澶? vt.浣挎???╃?璧? 浣挎???╁?炬??; 浣挎??涓?; ?充??虫?? vi.缈?璧凤?绔?璧? 澶ф??澶ф??;


??浮?ㄥ??瀹跺?洪?㈤???煎????2. (甯告????澶???璇?)??楦?,??绂?C]3. ??????榫?????椴?[C]4. 榫?澶?娲绘??[C]Turn the cock to increase the flow of water.璇峰?澶ч?澶翠互澧???姘存?????5. (????)?虫??C]6. 椋?淇℃??[C]7. 涓昏?浜虹??澶寸??C]8. (甯藉???)姝???;(榧诲???)涓?缈?[C]9. ??淇????㈣?,?¤?[U]10. ??淇????磋??[C]11. 灏???????[C]vt.1. ?宠捣(?????虫?The soldiers cocked their rifles.澹??典滑?宠捣姝ユ???虫?恒??2. 绔?璧?缈?璧?浣挎??涓?The dog cocked its hind leg.?f?$??缈?璧蜂?涓??″???裤??3. 浣挎???;浣胯浆??The bird cocked its head.灏?楦???澶磋浆??涓?杈广??4. 浠???绀烘??vi.1. ?宠捣?虫?2. 绔?璧?缈?璧The horse's ears cocked up.椹????虫?电?璧锋?ヤ???3. 澶ф??澶ф??

