






1锛? ?ㄥ??璇???涓昏??讹?璋?璇??ㄨ?涓哄????/p>

2锛? ?ㄥ?ㄥ??璇???涓?瀹?寮?涓??浣?涓轰?璇???瀹捐????ㄥ??璇?

3锛? ?ㄥ??璇????﹀??存?ュ?ㄥ?跺?????﹀?璇?锛???杩?浠h???瀹炬?兼????????/a>褰㈠?缁??洪?昏?涓昏?


I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.

A锛?you to call B锛?you call C锛?you calling D锛?you??re calling锛?Key锛?C锛??㈡??your calling涔?瀵癸?

4锛? ??浜?璇????㈠???芥?ュ?ㄥ??璇?



1. 瀹?涔?锛??ㄥ??璇??????兼???ㄨ?????璇??瑰?????璋?璇??ㄨ???瀹?浠?涓??归????????ㄨ?????浜??瑰?锛??锋???ㄨ?????浜?????褰㈠?锛??ㄤ互琛ㄨ揪??璇???涓??借〃杈剧??杈?涓哄???????蹇碉??︿??归?㈠??ㄥ?ュ????ㄦ??????戒???璇?绫诲??

2. ?ㄦ?锛??ㄥ??璇???互?ㄥ?ュ?涓??涓昏???瀹捐???琛ㄨ???瀹?璇???


?ㄥ??璇?浣?涓昏??惰?璇??ㄨ??ㄧ?涓?浜虹О???板舰寮???濡?锛?Playing basketball is my hobby. ??绡??????????卞ソ??

褰?琛ㄨ?? no good, no use 绛??讹?甯哥? it 浠f?垮?ㄥ??璇?浣?涓昏???濡?锛?It is no good waiting here.?ㄨ??跨?娌$?ㄣ??

2) 浣?瀹捐?


渚?濡?锛?I haven't finished doing my homework. ????浣?涓?杩?娌″??瀹???


濡?锛?You should get some training to acquire the ability of use a computer. 浣???瑕??ュ??涓?浜??硅????借?峰???浣??佃?????藉????

3) 浣?琛ㄨ?


濡?锛?My hobby is swimming.= Swimming is my hobby. ???卞ソ娓告吵??

4) 浣?瀹?璇???

?ㄥ??璇?浣?瀹?璇??涓???〃绀虹?ㄩ????濡?锛?a waiting room, ??涓衡????杞﹀???; a reading room, ??涓衡????瑙?瀹も??锛?a dining room, ??涓洪?????





1?? ?ㄥ??璇?浣?涓昏?
Walking is good exercise. 璧拌矾???濂界??杩???br />Seeing is believing. ?艰?涓哄???
Smoking may cause cancer. ?哥?????藉??寸??????
Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours. 涔???溅?版???瑕?16涓???躲??
Swimming develops the muscles. 娓告吵??互??灞???????
It's nice talking with you.
It's no use arguing with him.
It is no use sending him over. It??s too late already. 娲句??绘病???宸茬?澶???浜???
It was very difficult getting everything ready in time. 瑕???涓??????跺??澶?濂藉??伴?俱??
??There + be + no + -ing??缁???锛?濡?锛?
There is no joking about such matters. 杩?绉?浜?寮?涓?寰??╃???
There is no harm in doing so. 杩??峰??娌℃??瀹冲???
There is no denying the fact that the new method has greatly raised labour productivity.
2?? ?ㄥ??璇?浣?琛ㄨ?
Her job is raising pigs. 濂圭??宸ヤ????荤????
This food smells inviting. 杩?绉?椋??╅??虫?′汉??
The only thing that interests her is dancing. 濂瑰??????磋叮??浜?灏辨??烦????
My favorite sport is swimming. ??????娆㈢??杩??ㄦ??父娉炽??
To keep money you have found is stealing. ?″?伴?变?浜ょ?浜??风???
3?? ?ㄥ??璇?浣?瀹捐?
Your shoes need polishing. 浣???????璇ユ?︿???
Jim dislikes eating chocolate. ??濮?涓???娆㈠??宸у??????
She can??t help crying at a sad movie. 濂圭??浜?蹇т激???靛奖绂?涓?浣?瑕?????
The doctor advised taking exercise. ?荤??璁╁?杩??ㄣ??
Would you mind filling out this form? 璇峰~涓?涓?杩?寮?琛ㄥソ??锛?
The thief admitted entering the house. 灏??锋?胯?杩?浜?灞???
Have you finished correcting the students?? papers? 瀛︾??浠????峰??瑰?娌℃??锛?
admit, acknowledge, advise, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse, escape, fancy, finish, forgive, face, endure, involve, give up, imagine, mention, mind, miss, pardon, practise, require, resent, resist, suggest, recall, resist, understand, think of, give up, aim at, put off, insist on, persist in, be good at, do well in, can't help, keep on, leave off, feel like, be tired (afraid, capable, fond) of, set about, be used to, object to, devote oneself to, stick to, respond to, look forward to, see to, submit to, adapt to, apply to, accede to, get to, prefer to, adjust to, owe to, react to绛???
The doctor advised taking more exercise.
I suggest doing it in a different way.
Do you feel like having a drink?
I prefer swimming to playing basketball.
??hance to do 纰板阀?诲????浜?
chance doing ???╄?涓?璇?????浜?
??orget to do 蹇?璁拌??诲????浜?
forget doing 蹇?璁版?惧??杩???浜?
??o on to do ?ョ???????︿?浠朵?
go on doing 缁х画????涓?浠朵?
??emember to do 璁板?瑕??诲????浜?
remember doing 璁板??惧??杩???浜?
??top to do ??涓??ュ?诲????浜?
stop doing ??姝㈠????浜?
??ry to do ????????浜?
try doing 璇?涓?璇?????浜?
??egret to do 瀵瑰?瑕?????浜?琛ㄧず???
regret doing 瀵瑰??杩???浜?琛ㄧず???
??ean to do ??绠?锛??冲????浜?
mean doing ???崇??锛???????????浜?
I found the parade quite interesting to watch.
琛ㄧず??瑙???蹇????舵?????ㄨ?锛?濡?锛?see, hear, feel, find, smell, watch, find, listen to, look at, notice, observe绛???濡?锛?
There we found him watching TV.
I heard someone knocking at the door.
?ㄦ??浜??ㄨ?(濡?锛?regard, describe, accept, think of, quote绛?)涔???锛?????s寮???ing??璇?璇?缁?浣?瀹捐ˉ??濡?锛?
They regarded the contract as being invalid.
They described the child as being very clever.
浣垮焦?ㄨ?锛?濡?锛?set, keep, have, get, leave, catch绛???濡?锛?
Can you get my watch going again?
This sets me thinking.
Having cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden. (?堕??
Coming into the room, she saw everybody already at their work. (?堕??
Being ill, he couldn't go to school. (????)
Having no interest in the topic, he didn't go to the lecture. (????)
Working diligently, you will certainly succeed. (?′欢)
Using atomic energy, we can build spaceships. (?′欢)
Granting the achievements to be great, there is still something to be desired. (璁╂?)
My car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. (缁???)
Traveling by train, we visited a number of cities. (?瑰?)
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book. (浼撮??)
6???ㄥ??璇?浣?瀹?璇?br />?ㄥ??璇?浣?瀹?璇??跺??褰㈠?璇??????芥???镐技?????ㄥ??璇???互?????瀹?璇??濡?锛?
a smiling face 绗??
a leading figure 棰?瀵间汉?
easy-going man 濂借?璇???浜
swimming pool 娓告吵姹?
sleeping-pill 瀹???????
dining-car 椁?杞?br />褰???璇????????缃??璇??讹???互杞??㈡??瀹?璇???ャ??
She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai.
= She went on board the train, which was leaving for Shanghai.
There are two roads before us, one leading to the beach, the other to the park.
= There are two roads before us, one which leads to the beach, the other to the park.